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  • Report

Ambiente di lavoro inclusivo - La sicurezza sul lavoro è un diritto di tutti - An inclusive work environment – Safety at work is a right of all


Publication date
1 January 2023
Daniela Freda | Alessandra Ferraro | Luciano Di Donato
  • Italian
  • 2023


Editorial information: INAIL – Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione Infortuni sul Lavoro. ISBN 978-88-7484-783-9.

An inclusive and accessible environment is a necessary factor in order to ensure the right to work for persons with disabilities. This report underlines how the characteristics of the environment in which people with disabilities work deeply affect their degree of social and labour inclusion. Italian legislation regulates this field in order to ensure the full integration of persons with disabilities through targeted placement schemes.

Being able to work, in fact, not only promotes social inclusion, but also provides people with the means to achieve a better life. Therefore, the work environment represents the place of inclusion par excellence, making it necessary to design and build working spaces without any obstacle or barrier, which could hinder their accessibility by any user.

INAIL is conducting a research project aiming to identify technical measures that can increase the degree of safety at the workplace, both in respect to the built environment and in terms of products and technologies, in order to ensure that these are means for inclusion rather than barriers.

The study highlights the correlation between needs of workers, functional requirements of the workplace and the protection of health and safety, by identifying possible cognitive obstacles, and with the objective to formulate the necessary solutions to improve health and safety of all workers.

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  • 9 MAY 2024
Ambiente di lavoro inclusivo - La sicurezza sul lavoro è un diritto di tutti - An inclusive work environment – Safety at work is a right of all