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Esteettömyysasetuksen toimivuusarvioint - Evaluation of the Government Decree on Accessibility of Buildings functionality


Publication date
16 May 2024
Jeremias Kortelainen | Marjo Kivi and Terhi Tamminen
  • Finnish
  • 2024


Editorial information: Institutional Repository for the Finnish Government.  ISBN pdf: 978-952-361-373-7 ISSN pdf: 2490-1024.

The aim of this report was to provide information on the functionality of the Government Decree on Accessibility of Buildings and the challenges of its application and to identify possible needs for change in order to establish equity in the built environment.

Building inspectors and designers considered that the Decree on Accessibility of Buildings as a whole works fairly well. The challenges regarding application typically relate to the scope of application, access to the building and entrance, doors and thresholds as well as toilets.

In particular, there’s a lack of clarity on how and in which situations the Decree should be applied, or when and under what conditions the requirements can be deviated from.

Based on the report, the types of buildings and intended purposes of buildings identified in the Decree’s scope of application should be more precisely defined. In addition, the application of specific sections should be clarified.

The application of the Decree also requires a better understanding from designers and building inspectors of legislation and the various related guidelines.

The Decree on Accessibility of Buildings focuses on accessibility of the physical environment, while too little attention is paid to accessibility of the sensory environment. Based on the report, the Decree should clarify and broaden the requirements relating to sensory accessibility.


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  • 29 OCTOBER 2024
Esteettömyysasetuksen toimivuusarviointi