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Irish Digital Accessibility Index for National Council for the Blind 2023


Publication date
3 November 2023
Inclusion & Accessibility Labs
  • English
  • 2023


The purpose of this document is to showcase how accessible or inaccessible the technological world is for people with disabilities in Ireland. It has five sections: the accessibility of (i) political party websites, their Teachtaí Dála (TDs’) and their Senators’ pages, (ii) Ireland’s top 100 companies in 2023 according to The Irish Times, (iii) education, (iv) hospitals, and (v) housing.

The websites have been tested for their compatibility with JAWS and NVDA screen readers and with TalkBack and VoiceOver for any mobile applications. They have been tested against the WCAG 2.1 AA standard.

The websites included in this report have also been tested against the Google Lighthouse automated accessibility auditing tool. This tool has been compared to manual IA Labs testing to discern whether it can find as many issues as an expert accessibility tester.

This report has been designed according to National Council for the Blind´s clear print guidelines.


  • 28 NOVEMBER 2023
Irish Digital Accessibility Index for National Council for the Blind 2023