- Publication date
- 1 January 2023
- Authors
- Lea Rollová | Peter Hubinský | Natália Bošková Filová
- Country
- Slovakia
- Language
- English
- Year
- 2023
Editorial information: Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU (ALFA). 3/2023 (Vol. 28). ISSN 2729-7640.
This paper publishes the results of a simulation of Assistive and Butler Robots in an extra-care housing facility, where social services with the help of robots are to be provided in the future. Manoeuvring of people and robots is simulated in a floorplan of the chosen model project of a family type house. Research aims to investigate the robots’ spatial requirements in a building project designed in accordance with universal design principles. The paper concludes with several answers to the questions posed and recommendations for the creation of residential buildings that support the symbiosis of humans and robots.
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