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Elektriske ramper i Movias busser - Electric ramps in Movias buses - Denmark

  • Denmark
Scope of application
  • Transport
Type of organisation
  • Public administration
Organisation responsible
  • Movia Public Transport

Movia is a public transport agency responsible for buses and some local railways in East Denmark. In 2022 the board decided that all new electrical buses should have electrical ramps installed.

In October 2023 the first electrical ramps were installed, and so far, more than 40 bus lines have installed the ramps.

The new electrical ramps make it possible for the user to activate the ramp themselves or the bus driver can push a button from their seat. The older ramps are manual, meaning the users should either have an assistant or the driver would need to help.

With the new ramps, wheelchair users or other users with difficulties walking are more autonomous. As the buses are continuously replaced with new electrical models, more and more buses will have electrical ramps.

More about electric ramps in Movia's buses. 

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