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Raising awareness of disabilities. The OMV Petrom case - Creșterea gradului de conștientizare a dizabilităților. Cazul OMV Petrom - Romania

  • Romania
Scope of application
  • Employment
Type of organisation
  • Company
Organisation responsible
  • OMV Petrom Group

“Disabilities A guide for all” is a comprehensive resource designed to promote inclusivity within OMV Petrom. It serves as a central hub of information, solutions, and practical advice, benefiting both employees with disabilities and their colleagues and managers. 

The booklet aims to inform individuals with disabilities about their rights and benefits, provide access to communication resources related to disability, and centralize available resources and services to meet their needs and objectives. It includes information on accessibility in public and private spaces, transportation, and medical assistance. 

It also educates typical individuals about the challenges faced by the persons with disabilities, fostering empathy and understanding in their interactions. 

By raising awareness throughout the organization, the guide contributes to a more positive and inclusive attitude towards people with disabilities. Ultimately, the Guide for People with Disabilities is a valuable tool for improving accessibility and promoting social inclusion.

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