- Publication date
- 25 October 2022
- Author
- Laura Marie Maaß (Schwengber)
- Country
- Germany
- Language
- German
- Year
- 2021
Editorial information: University of Hildesheim Foundation 2022/10/25.
This work examines the accessibility of the social media channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of Aktion Mensch and the Federal Government for blind, prelingually deaf and prelingually deafblind people, taking into account the legal requirements.
A total of 120 social media posts from the two actors are examined between December 1st, 2020 and December 7th, 2020. Aktion Mensch and the federal government have an enormous role model effect on the public and/or a public commitment to accessibility in social networks.
The analysis clearly shows that there are significant differences between Aktion Mensch's channels and those of the federal government and that there is great potential for improvement in the federal government's channels.