About AccessibleEU
AccessibleEU is one of the flagship initiatives proposed by the European Commission Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. It is a resource Centre on accessibility working on areas such as built environment, transport, information and communication technologies to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in all areas of life on equal basis with others.
If you want to know more about AccessibleEU Centre, go to section About AccessibleEU.
Join our Community of Practice!
AccessibleEU’s goals include connecting stakeholders responsible for implementing accessibility rules in across Europe. To do that, the Centre has created a community of practice comprising accessibility experts from different EU countries as well as other people with interest in accessibility. If you want to be part of our community, please follow the link, and join us! Community of Practice.
AccessibleEU online campus
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Greece has failed to fully transpose the European Accessibility Act into national law. Deadline was 28 June 2022.

The certification is not mandatory and will be issued by bodies accredited by the Portuguese Accreditation Institute, who will carry out an audit of the accessibility conditions of destinations.

They are particularly keen to know the opinion of persons with visual disabilities about the sounds electric cars make.