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Implementation of Real-Time Text and Total Conversation in Europe


Publication date
1 March 2023
Thor Nielsen
European Union
  • English
  • 2023


Editorial information: Emergency Number Association (EENA)

The intention of this document is to provide information about implementations of Real-Time Text (RTT) and Total Conversation (TC) in Europe. Both modalities have been defined by international organisations such as IETF, 3GPP, ETSI and ITU-T.

Real-Time text  is text transmitted instantly, character by character, as it is typed. Recipients can immediately read the text while it is being written, without waiting. Total Conversation  is a standard for synchronous communication that uses video, voice and real-time text.

The focus of the document is to identify and explain how these communication modalities are used in calls made to Emergency Services, for instance:

  • Direct calls to Emergency Services
  • Calls to Emergency Services via Telecom Relay Services

This document describes several initiatives that will improve accessibility and standardisation, which are in line with recent EU regulation that requires better accessibility, including the implementation of geolocation. 


  • 28 NOVEMBER 2023
Implementation of Real-Time Text and Total Conversation in Europe