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News article

PKP makes train stations more accessible with ramps and signs in Braille among the features


Publication date
8 March 2021
Blanka Konopka
  • English
  • 2021


Editorial information: The first News. March 08-2021.

The removal of architectural barriers, installing of lifts and ramps, signs in Braille and contrasting colours are just some of the solutions being adopted by Polish State Railways at train stations, to make them more accessible to all groups of travellers.

The Station Investment Programme (PID) for the years 2016-2023 encompasses the modernisation and building of nearly 200 ‘friendly’ train stations around Poland.Up to now, as part of the PID for the years 2016-2023, 26 stations have been rebuilt including the six described above.

The aim of all investments and processes is the full adaptation of station infrastructure for the needs of the disabled, which is one of the strategic aims of Polish State Railways in the upcoming years.


16 OCTOBER 2023
PKP makes train stations more accessible with ramps and signs in Braille among the features