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AccessibleEU Romania - Education for Accessibility - Edu4Access (24-AW-RO-01)

The objective of this event organised by AccessibleEU with the support of the University of Bucharest is to raise awareness on the importance of introducing accessibility-related topics in the educational process, at least at higher education level.

This event aims to raise awareness on the importance of introducing accessibility-related topics in the educational process.

  • Target audience: Higher education teachers and students, professional bodies, policy-makers, public institutions, persons with disabilities.
  • When: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
  • Where: University of Bucharest - Rectorate Building, 1st floor, “Ioan Mihailescu” Hall, 90 Panduri Ave., 050663 Bucharest, Romania
  • Format: Hybrid
  • Type of event: Awareness-raising
  • Language: Romanian
  • How to participate: Online connection to the event
  • Accessibility information: Accessible venue. Captioning in Romanian and English. Sign interpretation in Romanian. Translation Romanian-English.
  • inclusion | general education | higher education
  • Wednesday 29 May 2024, 09:30 - 14:30 (EEST)
  • Romania


  1. 29 May 2024, 08:30 - 14:30 (EEST)
    • 08:30 - 09:30 Participants’ registration, welcome coffee
    • 09:30 Opening session
      • Cristina Căluianu - AccessibleEU National Expert Romania
      • Prof. univ. dr. Magdalena Iordache-Platis - Prorector, University of Bucharest 
      • Romi Mihăescu – President National Authority for the Protection of the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities 
    • 09:45 AccessibleEU - European Resources for Accessibility 
      • Cristina Căluianu - AccessibleEU National Expert Romania
    • 10:00 Edu4Access - Communication and ICT
      • Andrei Strătilă - Disability activist, social entrepreneur 
      • Katrin Nuppenau - Johannes Kepler University Linz, ATHENA Project team member
      • Adina Teleuca - Founder Accessi+
      • Gina Sotir - Inclusion & Diversity Lead for Romania Accenture Romania
    • 11:15 Coffee break
    • 11:45 Edu4Access - Built environment, heritage, tourism, communication 
      • Alex Tache - Disability activist, motivational speaker, IT specialist
      • Ivor Ambrose - AccessibleEU Senior Expert - Built environment, Managing Director of the European Network of Accessible Tourism (ENAT)
      • Arh. Katerina Papamichail - Accessibility expert, Board of Directors European Network of Accessible Tourism (ENAT), support expert AccessibleEU
      • Lect. dr. arh. Oana Mihăescu - Faculty of Architecture, Technical Sciences Dept. - „Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest
    • 13:00 Coffee break
    • 13:20 Edu4Access - Education, tourism and culture, sport, business and administration
      • Prof. Constantin Cristache - Disability activist, teacher at Special Technological School „Iris” Timișoara
      • Prof. Bianca Carpușca - President of CED Romania Association, physical education and sport teacher
      • George Baltă - Disability activist, motivational speaker, HR specialist Kaufland Romania 
      • Cosmin Jurcan - Disability activist, social entrepreneur and founder of the Business DisAbility Platform
    • 14:20 Closing remarks
      • Cristina Căluianu - AccessibleEU National Expert Romania
    • 14:30 Lunch

Practical information

Wednesday 29 May 2024, 09:30 - 14:30 (EEST)