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Good Practices (208)

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The digital platform Accesibilitas concentrates information of interest in terms of physical, technological and communication accessibility: technical and legal regulations, guides and manuals, news, calls for conferences and courses, multimedia material and much more... 

Best practices
  • Best practices
  • Spain

ESKE offers services related to the promotion of accessibility to companies and other service providers. In their web-page there are videos featuring English subtitles where you can find different kind of situations and obstacles faced by people with disabilities.

Best practices
  • Best practices
  • Finland

The Art Museum RIGA BOURSE is located in the territory of Old Riga. The building has been reconstructed, as part of which the accessibility of the environment has also been improved. The museum is accessible to people in wheelchairs, with baby carriages and other visitors with limited mobility...

Best practices
  • Best practices
  • Latvia

Information about accessibility in railway stations in a FAQ format on the Luxembourg National Railway Company´s website. It provides information about the accessibility of the built infrastructure, including reserved parking spaces, availability of accessible elevators or ramps to platforms...

Best practices
  • Best practices
  • Luxembourg