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Novinový článok18. septembra 2023AccessibleEU CentreOdhadovaný čas čítania: 1 min

AccessibleEU, IAAP and EDF get together to celebrate the Web Accessibility Directive third anniversary

AccessibleEU is partnering up with IAAP and the European Disability Forum to celebrate the Web Accessibility Directive third anniversary in a virtual event that will be held on 21 September at 9:00 am.

Celebrating the Web Accessibility Directive Thrid Anniversary. 21 September 9:00 - 17:00 CEST. Online Event
European Disability Forum

The event will be a space where experts, end-user representatives, policy makers and other stakeholders will share knowledge, good practices, methods, and solutions to improve digital accessibility.

The agenda includes presentations, panel discussions and Q&A from the audience. Topic facilitators will present results from interactive workshops carried out before the event.

Attendance is free but Zoom registration must be completed.

More information and registration form.


Dátum uverejnenia
18. septembra 2023
AccessibleEU Centre