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  • News article
  • 21 November 2023
  • Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region of Luxembourg
  • 1 min read

A brief look at Luxembourg’s law on the accessibility of public places

The law provides for financial support from the State, and stakeholders and citizens can submit requests via a digital platform.

European Union Capitals - Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Since 1 July, new constructions in Luxembourg must comply with the requirements of the new law relating to accessibility to all places open to the public, public roads and collective residential buildings. The compliance of an existing property must, for its part, be carried out until 1 January 2032 at the latest. Criminal sanctions are provided for in the event of non-compliance. Existing collective residential buildings are not affected. 

The law also provides financial assistance for people who bring existing property into compliance. The aid corresponds to 50% of the costs and is capped at €24,000 excluding VAT. It can be requested until 1 July 2028 and the work must be completed no later than 1 July 2031. 

Finally, a person with a particularly severe or specific disability who is unable to access a place open to the public although the accessibility requirements are respected within the meaning of the law, has the right to request reasonable accommodation. Financial assistance may also be granted to the person who carries out the reasonable adjustment work. Both citizens and businesses can submit requests via the digital platform

More information.