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News article12 July 2024CEN-CENELEC1 min read

Call for experts to develop pre-normative research and two European harmonised standards

CEN-CENELEC launches a call for experts for the PRODSERV project. The main objective is to develop two Enquiry draft European standards to support the European Accessibility Act.


The CEN and CENELEC Joint Technical Committee on Design for All, CEN/CLC/JTC 12, has launched a call for experts for the PRODSERV project. The main objectives are to develop two Enquiry draft European standards (foreseen to be harmonized on their publication) to support the European Accessibility Act (EAA) and the long-term objective to support the full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the EU Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030.

The objectives of this project are:

  • Publication of a Pre-normative Research Report (PRR) WP 3, providing a collection of existing literature on European Standardization following the Design for All approach in products’ manufacturing and service provision, and investigating the limitations of certain products, processes and sectors, in order to make sure to give the standardization groups the best possible foundation for writing the new harmonised EN standards. Other relevant international standards and other specification within the scope of the two-draft harmonised EN standards should be examined for useful specifications and solutions.
  • Development of Enquiry draft of a European standard(s) (foreseen to be harmonized) setting up requirements on the accessibility of information related to products and services (WP4). The development of this standard is to ensure that the requirements in the directive are specified to the extent that the use of the standard ensures the compliance with the directive. The preparation and adoption of this European Standard is proposed to be done after the development of the PRR.  
  • Development of Enquiry draft of a Harmonised European standard for the accessibility of support services related to products and services (help desks, call centres, technical support, relay services and training services) (WP 5). The development of this standard is to ensure that the requirements in the directive are specified to the extent that the use of the standard ensures compliance with the directive. The preparation and adoption of this European Standard is proposed to be done after the development of the PRR.   

This call for tender is to recruit three project leaders; one for each new standard, as well as one with the task to conduct pre-normative research. The deadline is 19 August 2024. More information: link to the call for tender.


Publication date
12 July 2024