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Documents (296)
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Denmark as an accessible holiday destination - Danmark som tilgængelig feriedestination
"Blue Line" - Zagreb's Tourist Map for Wheelchair Users
Accessible Tourism and Formal Planning: Current State of Istria County in Croatia
Diversity and inclusion handbook in cultural and creative industries - Priručnik o raznolikostima i inkluziji u kulturnim i kreativnim industrijama
Can you access culture? An evaluation model for the accessibility of cultural locations
Towards 3rd Generation Universal Design: Exploring Nonclusive Design
Act (2023:254) on the availability of certain products and services - Lag (2023:254) om vissa produkters och tjänsters tillgänglighet
Report of the Inquiry into the implementation of the accessibility directive - Betänkande av Utredningen om genomförandet av illgänglighetsdirektivet
Guidance for web development - Vägledning för webbutveckling
Act (2018:1937) on accessibility to digital public services - Lag (2018:1937) om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service