Accessibility in the Luxembourg National Railway Company´s railway stations - European Commission Skip to main content

Accessibility in the Luxembourg National Railway Company´s railway stations

  • Luxembourg
Scope of application
  • Transport
Type of organisation
  • Company
Organisation responsible
  • Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois

Information about accessibility in railway stations in a FAQ format on the Luxembourg National Railway Company´s website. 

It provides information about the accessibility of the built infrastructure, including reserved parking spaces, availability of accessible elevators or ramps to platforms, implementation of guiding systems or  tactile maps to platforms for sight impaired travelers, information booths with written and vocal information on train schedules, systematic announcements of changes in train schedules by loudspeakers and on screens, technical equipment for people with reduce mobility, staff assistance, etc.

More about Accessibility in the Luxembourg National Railway Company´s railway stations.

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