Accessible vote - Lithuania - European Commission Skip to main content
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Accessible vote - Lithuania

  • Lithuania
Scope of application
  • Personal autonomy
Type of organisation
  • Public administration
Organisation responsible
  • Chief Election Commission

Since 2016 Lithuanian non-governmental organizations of people with disabilities cooperate with the Chief Election Commission in order to ensure the rights of people with disabilities to vote independently.  Before each election, various training are designed for the organizers of the elections and the staff working in the elections: how to communicate with people with disabilities, how to properly select and equip voting precincts, in what ways and formats to disseminate information that is understandable to all, etc.

In 2018 in April, for the first time, the disabled won a case against the Chief Election Commission and responsible municipalities for discrimination during the elections - the Chief Election Commission did not create suitable conditions during the elections. people with reduced mobility to vote because it did not provide an adapted environment.

This decision made a breakthrough in the accessibility of elections in Lithuania. Each year, more and more polling stations are made accessible to people with various disabilities, and information about specific elections is published in easy-to-read language.

In 2018 in November, a memorandum on cooperation in the field of elections was signed between the Chief Election Commission, the Association of Lithuanian Municipalities and the Lithuanian Disability Forum. The purpose of the memorandum is to strive for more convenient opportunities for people with disabilities to vote: so that voting procedures, premises and election materials are accessible to people with disabilities, and election materials can be easily understood and used. It was also decided to strive to equip as many polling station rooms as possible, adapted for persons with disabilities.

In 2019 in the elections held for the first time in Lithuania, Braille inserts were used. They greatly facilitated the voting procedure for visually impaired people.

In each election, polling stations are increasingly adapted for people with disabilities: in 2016 applied were only 40 percent, in 2018 - already 67 percent, in 2020 - 89-90 percent.

Instructions for election organizers issued by the Chief Election Commission. 

Accessible voting for visually impaired voters. 

Tips on how to organize elections accessible to all. 

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