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  • Training and workshops

AccessibleEU Denmark - Are you ready for the new European Accessibility Act? It also affects private sectors! (AW-DK-01)

In collaboration with AccessibleEU, Sensus conducts this awareness seminar about the European Accessibility Act and focuses on both the impact of the legislation for Danish companies as well as practicalities on how to comply.

Sensus will also inform about AccessibleEU and invite all participants to join the project. Finally, it will showcase some of the barriers persons with disabilities face when interacting with solutions that are not accessible and highlight all the advantages of being compliant and displaying an inclusive approach.

  • Target audience: Representatives from the sectors of Finance, Transportation, Media, E-commerce and Tourism and others with an interest in digital accessibility.
  • When: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
  • Format: Online
  • Type of event: Awareness-raising
  • Language: Danish
  • Accessibility: Captioning and sign language in Danish.
  • How to participate: Free registration
  • More information
  • EU law
  • Tuesday 12 September 2023, 10:00 (CEST)
  • Denmark

Practical information

Tuesday 12 September 2023, 10:00 (CEST)
Part of
