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Accessibility on Culture 2023: the experience of disabled people and deaf people


Publication date
1 March 2024
Access Lab
  • Portuguese
  • 2024


Within the scope of this study, 237 individuals with diverse disabilities responded to an online questionnaire, aiming to understand their cultural practices and experiences at events in the past six months. The questionnaire had two main goals:

  1. To analyse the cultural practices of the participants: The research investigated how people with motor and visual impairments, loss of hearing, neurodiversity, and Deaf engage in cultural activities, such as festivals, concerts, museums, and theatres. The answers provided insights into the preferences of these audiences, the type of events they attend, and the barriers they may face.
  2. To identify the main challenges at cultural events: The research also explored the obstacles that disabled people encounter when participating in cultural events. The questions addressed everything from ticket purchasing to venue accessibility, quality of communication, and the overall event experience. The results aimed to identify the negative points and areas for improvement.

By analysing the collected data, the study intends to contribute to:

  • Promote the inclusion of disabled people in cultural life: By identifying the practices and challenges of this public, it is possible to develop initiatives that facilitate access to culture and participation in different events.
  •  Improve the accessibility of cultural events: The results of the research can provide information to enable the development of more inclusive environments, with resources and services adapted to the specific needs of disabled people.
  • Raise awareness for the demands of the disability community: Disseminating the results of the study may contribute to create consciousness about the demands and needs of the disability community, facilitating the development of a more inclusive and accessible society for everyone.

This study represents an important step towards a more inclusive and accessible cultural life for disabled people. By understanding their practices, challenges, and expectations, we can work together to create a cultural environment that is welcoming and enriching for all. 


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23 JULY 2024
Accessibility on Culture 2023: the experience of disabled people and deaf people