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Digital accessibility in your organization, who does what? - Digitale toegankelijkheid in jouw organisatie, wie doet wat?


Publication date
1 May 2020
Logius - The Digital Goverment service of Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
  • Dutch
  • English
  • 2020


The web team, the communications department or the ICT department cannot ensure digital accessibility on their own. This requires an effort on the part of the entire organization, from upper management to legal experts, procurement, designers, HR advisers, trainers, editors and testers.

This publication tells you all you need to know and do to make the information and services provided by your organization more accessible. Determine the steps you can take now as well as any related future steps. 12 organizational roles are described.

What works in one organization is not necessarily a successful approach in another. Therefore, connect people and draw up a roadmap (together). Important success factors include management support, clear attribution of responsibilities, creating more knowledge and awareness, organizing monitoring, budget and capacity. Also procurement and having an overview of the actual websites and apps.


  • 15 SEPTEMBER 2023
Digital accessibility in your organization, who does what? - Digitale toegankelijkheid in jouw organisatie, wie doet wat?