AccessibleEU Austria - EAA: Practice and implementation (24-NW-AT-01) - European Commission Skip to main content
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AccessibleEU Austria - EAA: Practice and implementation (24-NW-AT-01)

Within the ICT Forum annual conference organised by the KI-I Competence Network Information Technology to Support the Integration of People with Disabilities, AccessibleEU co-organises a track which deals with accessibility in the context of the EAA.

Within the ICT Forum annual conference organised by the KI-I Competence Network Information Technology to Support the Integration of People with Disabilities, AccessibleEU co-organises this year a free track which deals with various aspects of accessiblity in the context of the implementation of the EAA, in collaboration with KI-I and Access Austria.

The ICT Forum serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience as well as for the presentation of new developments and research results in the field of information and communication technologies. The main aspects of the ICT Forum include:

  • Thematic focus: The conference covers a variety of topics relevant to the integration and participation of people with disabilities. These include assistive technologies, augmentative communication, accessible web design and inclusive education.
  • Lectures and workshops: Experts from various fields will give presentations and lead workshops showcasing the latest research, technologies and best practices.
  • Networking: The event offers participants the opportunity to network and exchange experiences with experts, researchers and other interested parties.
  • Exhibition: The conference is often accompanied by an exhibition where companies and organizations present their latest products and services that support the integration of people with disabilities.
  • inclusion | social policy | application of EU law
  • Monday 8 July 2024, 11:00 - 17:30 (CEST)
  • Austria

Practical information

Monday 8 July 2024, 11:00 - 17:30 (CEST)