Public accessible webTV - Slovenia - European Commission Skip to main content

Public accessible webTV - Slovenia

  • Slovenia
Scope of application
  • Communication
Type of organisation
  • Public administration
Organisation responsible
  • Public broadcaster RTV Slovenija Ministry of Culture

As part of MMC RTV Slovenia (on the ground of "Radiotelevizija Slovenija Act"), an accessible web portal "" has been established in 2014, which is made in accordance with international web accessibility standards.

The portal enables quick access to information for persons with disabilities, especially the deaf and hard of hearing, the blind and partially sighted, and the elderly with impaired vision and hearing, which are prepared by RTV Slovenia.

On the web portal users can read articles in the field of life, rights, work and integration into society of persons with disabilities, and at the same time, the portal is also a gathering place for all radio and television programs that include these topics in their content, as well as programs that are equipped with special accessibility techniques.

On the portal, user can watch and listen to shows with audio descriptions and audio subtitles, which are primarily intended for persons with visual impairments, shows with a sign language interpreter, and shows with subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing viewers. In the CAN READ section, news is available in an easier-to-understand and readable format.

In October 2023, the portal received a prestigious national award, known as the "Information Strawberry," in recognition of its outstanding accomplishments in the realm of the information society. This award was presented during the multiconference "Information Society" held in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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