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Accessibility in the Hal Tarxien Prehistoric Complex (UNESCO World Heritage Site) - Malta

  • Malta
Scope of application
  • Culture and leisure
Type of organisation
  • Public administration
Organisation responsible
  • Heritage Malta

The project involved the construction of elevated walkways surrounding the megalithic structures and allows visitors access to specific areas within the structures.

The walkway is accessible through a ramp and is accessible to all throughout.  Wheelchairs are also provided on site. The elevated walkway structural intervention is a completely reversible one. Rest areas and covered shelters are provided for the convenience of visitors during inclement weather. A gender neutral accessible toilet is provided on site. Facilities for nappy changing are also provided. Staff are trained on issues surrounding accesibilty requirements of visitors. Information panels on site are mounted at a height that is legible for whelchair users.A free app is available for visitors.

More about accessibility in the Hal Tarxien Prehistoric Complex.

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