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Accessible plays at Theatre Vanemuine - Estonia

  • Estonia
Scope of application
  • Culture and leisure
Type of organisation
  • Other
Organisation responsible
  • Teater vanemuine

The theatre of Vanemuine makes at least 6 of their plays every year accessible to people with disabilities. The accessibility features include:

  • Live Audio Description for the performance.
  • Subtitles: The theatre provides live subtitles for each performance.
  • Accessible Play Programmes: Theatre Vanemuine also offers accessible versions of their play programmes for visually impaired visitors.
  • Assistance in the Theatre: The theatre ensures that staff members are available to provide assistance as needed, whether that's helping someone findtheir seat, navigating the facility, or answering any questions about the play or the theatre's accessibility features. 

More Accessible plays at Theatre Vanemuine.

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