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AccessibleEU Network of experts

Below is the information of the experts that make up the network of this project. The experts organised in different levels will lead, manage, and operate the European Accessibility Resource Centre.

AccessibleEU consortium which works on this Project is formed by ENATEASPDUniversity Johannes Kepler LinzUNE  and lead by Fundación ONCE.

Senior Experts

First of this levels is the senior experts lat European level, a group of professionals with large experience in accessibility in the main fields tackled by the European Accessibility Resource Centre, such as: built environment, ICT, Policies, Standardisation and transport, as well as in cross - cutting areas such as education, employment, tourism, and healthcare.

To achieve the Centre’s goals, it is essential to engage groups that benefit directly from accessibility such as persons with disabilities and ageing adults:

  • Institutional linkage to the policy community on disabilities - European Disability Forum:
  • Institutional linkage to the policy community on ageing - AGE Platform Europe

National Experts

The network of national experts serve as focal points and antennas for the Centre. The group of national experts include an expert from each member state and two of them from the large countries, what makes a total of 34 experts throughout all Europe. Their expertise areas are also distributed.