- Publication date
- 1 January 2023
- Author
- Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs - The Austrian Association in support of the blind and visually impaired
- Country
- Austria
- Language
- English
- Year
- 2023
This repository was created in the course of the "T4VIS-in-3D" project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Here you can find a variety of tactile 3D-models with their STL-files that can be used in different 3D-printing technolgies. All the files provided can be downloaded for free and the tactile models can be 3D-printed for personal or professional use. This repository focuses on 3D-models of tactile objects that benefit blind and visually impaired persons.
3D Models Repository