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  • Report

Creating a Public Realm for All


Publication date
1 July 2024
Professor Nick Tyler
  • English
  • 2024


This report should be used by transport professionals to help them identify and design the public realm for the everyday challenges faced by some people, such as disabled people (with physical, sensory, cognitive, or intellectual impairments or differences, which may be readily apparent or non-visible), people with temporary conditions such as pregnancy or sports injuries, older people, people with young children, or those encumbered by luggage or equipment.  

The report highlights some of the barriers that people face when using the public realm and suggests guidance documents that could be used to help design solutions to the issues experienced.

A key feature of the report is the importance of “co-cultivation” (i.e. continuous, meaningful engagement and representation from inception and design through construction, operation, and monitoring to re-evaluation) rather than light-touch consultation on a public realm scheme. This should result in a shared understanding of the issues faced (from both the user and the designer perspective) and increased commitment to finding appropriate solutions.


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  • 26 NOVEMBER 2024
ANN_REFERENCE_1_Creating a Public Realm for All