- Publication date
- 13 October 2023 (Last updated on: 1 October 2016)
- Author
- Fabiano Munisso ingénieur industriel et directeur de l’ADAPTH.
- Country
- Luxembourg
- Language
- French
- Year
- 2016
Editorial information: The forum magazine.
“Design for All” or accessibility for all is evident today in construction, but remains poorly controlled, or even poorly put into practice. As other building techniques, this field is in continuous development. However, there are structures that can assist the project owner and the owner work in this task.
In Luxembourg, two associations offer services in terms of “Design for All.” These are complementary services and approved by the Ministry of Family, Integration and Greater Region of attributions of which accessibility is part. Thus, the information and awareness are the domain of Info-Handicap and advice is the responsibility of ADAPTH. The two structures also collaborate to offer a wide range tailor-made training.