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Legislative acts

LAW 9 January 2004, n. 4 Access of people with disabilities to IT tools - Legge 9.1.2004, n. 4 Accesso elle persone con disabilità agli strumenti informatici


Publication date
1 February 2004
Italian Parliament
  • Italian
  • 2004


Editorial information: Normativa il Portale della Legge Vigente.

LEGGE 9 gennaio 2004, n. 4 - Disposizioni per favorire e semplificare l'accesso degli utenti e, in particolare, delle persone con disabilità agli strumenti informatici.

LAW 9 January 2004, n. 4 - Provisions to encourage and simplify the access of users and, in particular, of people with disabilities to IT tools

Law 9.1.2004, n. 4, constitutes a real novelty in the Italian legislative panorama, not so much for the fact of regulating - or attempting to regulate - the issue of accessibility to IT tools by citizens with disabilities, as well as for the topic itself, that of IT accessibility, which is still far from finding solutions at a technical level that can become standard. 

From this perspective, credit must be given to the Italian legislator for having tackled the topic with courage, while delegating the task of writing the technical part to regulations and implementing decrees, the result of complex joint work between technicians of very different backgrounds. 


25 NOVEMBER 2023
LAW 9 January 2004, n. 4 Access of people with disabilities to IT tools - Legge 9.1.2004, n. 4 Accesso elle persone con disabilità agli strumenti informatici