Editorial information: Linz, Association ICCHP. ISBN:9783950499780.
This article context is the teaching and learning of mathematics at university level.
The article’s author was a member of the team working on the international PLATINUM that aimed to improve learning and teaching of mathematics at universities.
The project partners are aware of the fact that the learning of mathematics at universities is very often procedural and students only learn to reproduce mathematical procedures in line with tests and examinations. The project partners aimed to change this trend by designing and implementing inquiry-based activities in order to create the conditions for a deeper conceptual understanding of mathematics for their students so they should have stronger analytical and problem-solving skills. They payed attention to difficulties students with identified needs may encounter in the different phases of an inquiry process. In this article, we offer two examples of teaching units to introduce readers with Universal Design recommendations we designed with respect to students with identified needs so they can actively participate in mathematics courses full of inquiry-based activities.
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