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News article8 November 2023AccessibleEU1 min read

European accessibility experts strenghten ties in AccessibleEU’s networking event in Madrid

At the networking event held in Fundación ONCE headquarters on 7 November, key players and entities found the opportunity to form alliances, share good practices and examine AccessibleEU’s first year achievements.

Photo of the conference room at Fundación ONCE headquarters. All the seats are occupied. Talking on the stage is Jesús Hernández, director of AccessibleEU. There is a sign language interpreter.

The event, titled ‘Building Community, Connecting Stakeholders’, was attended by representatives of the European Commission, the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT), the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), the European Disability Forum (EDF), Fundación ONCE or Design for All Europe, among others.

During the opening session, AccessibleEU’s director, Jesús Hernández, detailed AccessibleEU’s first year achievements and expressed that, "thanks to the effort and implication of everyone involved in this project, we can achieve the results beyond the proposed objectives." 

He also explained that the undamental objective of AccessibleEU is to provide training in accessibility. "AccessibleEU is a centre of knowledge. We have to advance and improve the training of professionals to improve the implementation of the European legislation on accessibility", said Hernández. 

On this note, he announced the new course on Accessible Technology Design that the centre is launching next week, and invited attendees to join AccessibleEU’s Community of Practice to keep exchanging experiences and ideas.

Accessibility for everyone

Throughout the day, policy makers and experts from different industries, accessibility networks, civil society, and education and professional associations exchanged Good Practices and highlighted the importance of accessibility for everyone, as well as the necessary work being done by AccessibleEU.

Topics discussed in the event include the accessibility of digital documents or emergency services, the need for architecture professionals to be trained in inclusion and accessibility, the importance of standardisation and how it works, what businesses can gain from being accessible, how users can participate, offer feedback and influence accessibility developments, or education.


Publication date
8 November 2023