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News article23 January 2024Inter – Accessible Flanders 1 min read

An introduction to accessibility regulation in Belgium

Belgium has 3 regions: Flemish Region (Flanders), Brussels Capital Region (Brussels) and Walloon Region (Wallonia). They all have regulatory accessibility. 



On 1 March 2010, regulations on accessibility of public buildings in Flanders came into force. From then on, applications for planning permissions must meet the criteria stipulated by this regulation. 

On 17 February 2023, the Flemish Government approved the concept note on updating the regulations on the accessibility of public buildings.  In a nutshell, the concept note says that the current regulations will be improved and simplified to achieve accessibility of public buildings.  

Brussels-Capital Region 

In Brussels, the 'Regional Town Planning Regulation of the Brussels Capital Region' is applied. With regard to accessibility, the following chapters are relevant: 

Title IV: Accessibility of buildings for people with reduced mobility (pdf document). 

Title VII: Roads, their access points and their immediate surroundings (11 april 2003) (pdf document). 

In addition, the Brussels government adopted the Plan for the Integration of Handicapped People into Public Policy 2022-2025 in January 2023. This plan proposes concrete actions to ensure better inclusion of persons with disabilities in Brussels. 


The Walloon Government adopted the Accessibility Plan 2022-2024 in January 2023. 

This programme is developed in collaboration with AVIQ and the Wallonia Brussels Accessibility Collective (CAWaB). It provides for nearly 50 short-, medium- and long-term actions, including improving access for deaf people to public services and phone numbers or facilitating the voting of persons with disabilities. 

Wallonia also has a decree that regulates the construction works of public spaces and buildings, which can be read here.


Publication date
23 January 2024
Inter – Accessible Flanders
  • Belgium