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News article28 September 2023Luxembourg Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region2 min read

Luxembourg takes steps to make elections more accessible

The State of Luxembourg has put in place a series of initiatives to improve accessibility in their voting system and ensure the participation of people with disabilities in the upcoming 8 October general elections.

The arm of a person casting a ballot

To guarantee the rights of people with disabilities, the government is working with various partners to ensure that voting procedures, equipment and materials are appropriate, accessible and easy to understand and use:

  • Brochures: A brochure titled “Accessibility of polling stations” has been published to encourage local authorities to take the necessary steps to ensure that all voters can exercise their right to vote. The brochure is available in French,
  • Easy-to-read booklets: "Check Politik" is a series of easy-to-read booklets published following easy language methodology (more information at The series aim to make information on political and social issues accessible to encourage people to vote. The booklets are aimed at the general public, particularly at people with learning or reading difficulties. The booklets are available in German, French and English and can be downloaded on the website or under the "Accessibility" tab. Printed copies in German and French can also be ordered from infoatzpb [dot] lu (info[at]zpb[dot]lu).
  • Easy-to-read voting instructions: a set of instructions describing in French and German the various options to complete the ballot correctly will be available in easy-to-read version. Additionally, a version of polling cards in easy language will be published.
  • Website: Election-related projects information will be published in an accessible format on the official election website
  • Information sessions with politicians and voters: the Government of Luxembourg is organising a series of events to allow politicians and voters to exchange information. These sessions are aimed at people with difficulties understanding political programmes. Information about these sessions will be published on
  • Introduction of the right to vote for adults under guardianship: With the amendments made to electoral law by the entry into force of the Act of 29 June 2023, adults placed under guardianship now have the right to vote and can therefore take part on polling day. To ensure that this new option is not used to their disadvantage if the person in question is not capable of expressing his or her political choice, adults under guardianship will be excused automatically and will therefore not be prosecuted if they fail to exercise their right to vote. 
  • Extension of the possibility of using a assistant on polling day: Article 79 of the Electoral Law has also been amended to allow voters who are under guardianship or who have a long-term visual, physical, mental, intellectual or sensory disability to be accompanied by a guide or assistant on polling day in the polling booth. 
  • Tactile voting model: a tactile stencil for voters with vision impairments will be available at each polling station. This stencil, which eliminates the need for third-party assistance, can also be ordered directly from the CDV by people who choose to vote by post.
  • Transport to polling stations for people with reduced mobility: Users of the Adapto special transport service and who hold an Adapto card can travel to the polling station using the Adapto service. Journeys to and from the polling station will not be deducted from the annual quota.
  • New ballot layout: Ballot have been redesigned to include the logos of political parties to make it easier to read and complete for people with sensory or cognitive disabilities. Additionally, adapted font and more contrast have been added to help people with vision impairments.

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