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RSSThe guide is available in Flemish and French and is part of a project that aims to provide training in digital accessibility for Belgian trades and services.
The guide is part of a package of measures that aim to strengthen European citizenship rights.
The Spanish city of San Cristóbal de La Laguna received the 2024 Access City Award, for its comprehensive approach to accessibility and its dedication to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities.
December is finally here with a European forum about accessible ICT, an online course and other interesting events and workshops organised by AccessibleEU across Europe.
Join us at our European event Accessible Europe: ICT 4 ALL, which will take place on 13-14 December in Madrid, Spain.
There are many guides and checklists for accessible Office documents. But what exactly is required by law? These checklists by SHUFFLE will help you!
The consultations have been carried out as part of the project for the draft of the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities.
The law provides for financial support from the State, and stakeholders and citizens can submit requests via a digital platform.
There is a whole programme of standards on accessibility that is still in its initial stages of development. This means that now is the right time if you want to contribute effectively to its drafting.
Aktion Mensch and Google, in collaboration with the Pfennigparade Foundation and the consulting agency BITV-Consult, carried out a test to check the accessibility of the 78 most visited online shops in Germany.