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Cycling route Fosses-la-Ville - Lac de Bambois - Belgium

  • Belgium
Scope of application
  • Culture and leisure
Type of organisation
  • Public administration
Organisation responsible
  • Municipality (tourism) Fosses-la-Ville

Access-I is an overall accessibility auditing and information scheme which provides reliable information via an accessible website. 

Line 150 (A) from Ravel takes you from the banks of the Meuse via Mettet, known worldwide for its motorcycle circuit, to Aisemont, a stone's throw from the Sambre valley.

As part of Access-i, only the section between Fosses-la-Ville and Lac de Bambois was audited. This certification therefore does not take into account the content of the educational panels on the history of the railway all along the Ravel.

More about the cycling route Fosses-la-Ville - Lac de Bambois.

See wow does Access-i analyze a bike route

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