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Design for All Charter for the city of Schifflange - Luxembourg

  • Luxembourg
Scope of application
  • Built environment
Organisation responsible
  • Schifflange City Council

Schifflange is a small city in the south of Luxembourg, of which the local population is constantly growing from actually 12000 to more than 15000 inhabitants in a close future. When the city council decided to draw a master plan for the future developments of the city, the president of “Design for All Luxembourg” suggested to link that project with a design for all approach.

The idea was welcomed and in 2018 the city council adopted a Design-for-All-Charter. A dedicated Design-for-All-commission was trusted with the implementation of the approach and, since then, the accessibility of all new construction and renovation projects are checked.  

These have been the improvemtns made in accessibility: 

  • Renovation of the railway station.

The railway cuts the city of Schifflange into a lower and an upper part. For safety reasons, the three existing traditional rail crossings were replaced with one single underpass, centralising thus in one spot the connection between the lower and the upper city. As that underpass was part of the new railway station the options for allowing pedestrians to access the city centre in the most accessible way were discussed and implemented in close cooperation between the city council and the national railway company, leading to ramps with adapted slopes, elevators with vocal announcements, pavements with guiding lines for blind people.

  • Renovation of the townhouse entrance.

Before its renovation, the townhouse was only accessible via many steps and people with reduced mobility had to use a goods elevator when they wanted to access the townhouse. After the renovation an elegant ramp with the correct slope allows everybody to access the townhouse from the same entrance. Automatic doors enhance the comfort for visitors and a one-desk-office facilitates the contacts.

  • Bus platforms in the city centre. 

Bus stops have been equipped with raised platforms making it easier to enter the buses

  • Local transportation. 

The local transportation options have been completed with a “call-a-bus” system with accessible vans allowing persons with reduced mobility to easily participate in local events. This is particularly welcomed by the residents of the local gerontology institution and “seniors club”.

The construction works are still ongoing and the masterplan is continuously updated.

More about Design for All Charter for the city of Schifflange

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