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Entry point for persons with disabilities on web - Slovenia

  • Slovenia
Scope of application
  • Products and services
Type of organisation
  • Other

AKOS, The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia, has recently introduced a contact point on its homepage for persons with disabilities. This includes information on the rights and obligations of disabled individuals in Slovenian Sign Language in areas such as:

  • Audiovisual media services,
  • Railway passenger services for disabled persons,
  • Electronic communications, and
  • Postal services.

The website provides detailed information on the adaptations required for disabled persons in media content and telecommunication services, focusing on their rights across all areas under AKOS's jurisdiction. 

Disabled individuals can file complaints with AKOS if service (electronic communication, postal or railway) providers fail to meet their obligations.  

Additionally, AKOS transparently outlines the rights of disabled individuals in railway transport, ensuring carriers provide accessible stations, platforms, vehicles, and other spaces for persons with disabilities and those with limited mobility.

Disabled persons also have enhanced rights for non-discriminatory access to electronic communications, including universal service, emergency calls using sign language or other non-spoken languages, or at least text messaging via mobile phones and during mobile international roaming in other countries. Furthermore, there are also presented the rights of disabled individuals in the provision of the universal post service.

More about Entry point for persons with disabilities on web

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