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Le lac de Bambois - Bambois Lake (Belgium)

  • Belgium
Scope of application
  • Tourism
Type of organisation
  • Other

Enjoying nature at Lac de Bambois, situated at Fosses-la Ville between Charleroi and Namur, a designated Natura 2000 site, is a delightful experience. This scenic location boasts a cafeteria, beautiful gardens, and a designated swimming area by the lake. Safety is paramount here, as the swimming area is continuously supervised by a professional instructor.

The terrace offers panoramic views, making it the perfect spot to gather with friends or family for a drink. Whether you choose one of our two terraces or the inviting cafeteria, you'll always have an uninterrupted view of the lake.

Furthermore, the bathing area and cafeteria (excluding the gardens) have been honoured with green Access-I certification, signifying excellent accessibility for a diverse range of visitors.

About Le lac de Bambois.    

Accessibility in Le lac de Bambois.

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