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Luxembourg - City winner of the Access City Award 2022

  • Luxembourg
Scope of application
  • Built environment
Type of organisation
  • Public administration
Organisation responsible
  • Integration and Special Needs Department

Luxembourg City has been selected as the winner of the European Union Access City Award 2022 for its many efforts to improve accessi­bility.

Luxembourg’s capital city took first place over Barcelona, Helsinki, Leuven, Palma and Porto, which were also shortlisted from among the 40 cities taking part in the competition.

The mayor is proud of Luxembourg’s “Service Intégration et besoins spécifiques” (Integration and Special Needs Department) with its partners from various organisations of and for persons with mobility, ability or activity limitations, that is always looking at ways on how to make the city accessible to everyone. 

The long list of locations or events that have been awarded with the national accessibility label “EureWelcome” provides clear evidence of the city’s efforts towards accessibility, but what is even more important is the way how this is accomplished, namely in close cooperation with with many relevant stakeholders.

More about Luxembourg-City winner of the Access City Award 2022.

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