Manual for creation of orientation system at Masaryk University - Manuál pro tvorbu orientačního systému Masarykovy univerzity - Czech Republic - European Commission
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Manual for creation of orientation system at Masaryk University - Manuál pro tvorbu orientačního systému Masarykovy univerzity - Czech Republic

  • Czechia
Scope of application
  • Guidelines
Type of organisation
  • Student
Organisation responsible
  • Masaryk University

A document prepared by an accessibility expert Petr Jílek jointly with experts from Teiresias Centre (Michaela Hanousková and Petr Červenka), that contains mainly general recommendations and systems, that link the unified visual style of the university to the implemented orientation systems.

The content of the manual also, and perhaps primarily, ensures a degree of compatibility between the different implementations orientation system. On the other hand, given the relatively broad boundaries, it leaves sufficient freedom for specific and unique solutions. The material and its content is frequently used in order to model an orientation system in different institutions across Czech Republic. 

More about Manual for creation of orientation system. (in Czech)

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