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Public sector accessible websites - Cyprus

  • Cyprus
Scope of application
  • Technical regulation
Type of organisation
  • Public administration
Organisation responsible
  • KYSOA (Cyprus Confederation of Disability Organisations)

In 2019 Cyprus has put into force the Accessibility of Websites and Applications for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Organizations Law of 2019 (Ν. 50(I)/2019). The Law applies only in the public sector, and all websites are expected to be fully accessible in the next few years, under the ‘’ project.

The first example of a fully accessible public website hat comply to the Law is the Website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance.

The Cyprus Confederation of Disability Organisation is a private (NGO)  that has also made an effort to comply to the legislation as a good example though it is not compulsory to private sector

The effort is to push towards then implementation of the Law to the private sector as well as the content and not only the structure of the websites.

Website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance.

Accessible website of the Cyprus Confederations of Disability Organisations: KYSOA (Cyprus Confederation of Disability Organisations). 

Disclaimer: Accessible EU is not responsible for the accessibility of content provided by third parties.