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TechLab - APF France handicap

  • France
Scope of application
  • Assistive products and technologies
Type of organisation
  • Non-profit organisation
Organisation responsible
  • APF France Handicap

TechLab is the department dedicated to technological innovation at APF France Handicap. The TechLab's missions are :

  • Assess the potential of emerging technologies, new products and services likely to compensate for a disability or sensory deficit, make these same technologies known to as many people as possible, by informing and training caregivers and beneficiaries.
  • Support the emergence of an inclusive society by working with researchers and manufacturers to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities are taken into account right from the design phase.
  • To be the point of contact for any individual or legal entity looking for innovative accessibility solutions, or seeking to deepen their knowledge of the digital uses of people with disabilities.

More about TechLab.
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