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  • News article
  • 4 October 2023
  • AccessibleEU Centre
  • 4 min read

AccessibleEU October events

October has arrived with many interesting and inspiring events organised by AccessibleEU across Europe, featuring accessibility experts and professionals from other areas.

Audience at an event

The following events are part of the Centre’s goal to enhance coherence in accessibility policies, offer knowledge, raise awareness, and share good practices.


AccessibleEU Sweden and the Swedish Trade Federation are organising E-commerce for all, a half-day event about the new EAA requirements to help e-commerce organisations to comply with the law. It will take place on 10 October at Goto 10,Hammarby Kaj 10D,SE-120 30 Stockholm. The event is hybrid and will be offered in Swedish. More information.


AccessibleEU Lithuania and the Lithuanian Association for People with Disabilities and the Department for the Affairs of the Disabled are putting together an awareness-raising session where participants will learn about the importance of accessibility in built environment and services and independent living for people with disabilities. AccessibleEU experts will also explain the Centre’s goals and the benefits it can bring to the Lithuanian society. The event, which is organised with the support of the Department for the Affairs of the Disabled, will be held online on 11 October. It will be offered in both English and Lithuanian. More information.


Do you speak German? Do want to learn about the WCAG and how to implement accessibility criteria? If so, the webinar Digital Accessibility: Understanding WCAG Criteria organised by AccessibleEU Austria is for you. It will offer an overview of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and help you understand some of the most important criteria and how to implement them. The webinar is free of cost and will be offered online on 11 October in German. More information.


AccessibleEU has partnered up with the Slovenian Information Society to organise the 26th International Multiconference Information Society. This event will explore a variety of topics including the solutions and methods available to make technology more accessible. It also seeks to offer insight on the importance of digital inclusion. The conference is hybrid and will be held on 11 October at Institute Jožef Stefan,Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana. More information.


AccessibleEU and Câmara Municipal de Cascais, in collaboration with NOVA School of Business & Economics invite everyone to attend the Accessibility Best Practices event. It will be a space for knowledge exchange on built environment accessibility good practices across Portugal. The event will be held on 13 October OVA SBE - School of Business & Economics, Campus de Carcavelos, Rua da Holanda, n.º 1, 2775-405 Carcavelos. More information.


A networking session is being organised in Bulgaria with the purpose of promoting a dialogue between stakeholders about how universities, service providers and local authorities can work together to make higher education more inclusive. Additionally, AccessibleEU Centre will explain its goal and the benefit it can bring in improving accessibility in Bulgaria. The session, which is hybrid, will be held on 17 October at Shtrak 3 Hristo Belchev St., ground floor, Sofia. More information.


AccessibleEU has organised in Cyprus an awareness-raising event to bring together professionals working in the cultural sector and technology experts, policy makers and other professionals to exchange expertise and ideas on how emerging technologies can further help to make cultural activities more inclusive. The event will take place on 21 October at European University Cyprus, 6 Diogenes Street, 1516, Nicosia. More information.


Poland is hosting three AccessibleEU events that deal with different accessibility related topics. The 17th Edition of the Engineering Fair of Jobs, Entrepreneurship, Technology and Accessibility has been organised in partnership with the Silesia Univresity of Technology. It aims to bring together employers and potential job candidates with disabilities. This is an in-person event that will be held on 23 October at "Nowa” Ośrodka Sportu PŚ, Kaszubska 28, Gliwice. More information.

On 26 October will take place the awareness-raising session Digital Accessibility in Everyday Life that aims to provide knowledge about how people with disabilities use technology. This event is hybrid and will be held at Student Culture Centre "Mrowisko", Pszczyńska 85, 44-100 Gliwice. More information.

Additionally, AccessibleEU is offering an online workshop on digital accessibility in which participants will learn about available accessibility guidelines and how to apply them. The workshop will be held in Polish on 30 October and is free of charge. Captioning and sign language interpretation in Polish will be available. More information.


Two AccessibleEU events are being organised in Spain. The first one will be held in Madrid on 24 October as a part of the Global Mobility Call 2023. It will discuss the importance of making transport accessible from three specific perspectives: disability, the global visit of the city and the successful initiatives that have been carried out. The conference, which will be in Spanish, will take place at the IFEMA Business Forum in Madrid. More information.

The second even, co-organised with ASEPAU, is a networking session that will offer the opportunity to share good practices as well success stories from the Basque Country. The aim is to discuss possible lines of work and research dealing with the relationship between accessibility and the environment. This event will be held on 31 October at BBK Kuna, La casa de los ODS. Urazurrutia Kalea. Bilbao. More information.


Publication date
4 October 2023
AccessibleEU Centre