Guidelines and Support Materials (7)
RSSAfter reviewing the existing accessibility-focused legal acts, this document discusses implications for the European Union Member States and for other key stakeholders
The report sets out the key EU policies contained in legislative acts, followed by relevant European accessibility standards, their scope and areas of application. These policies and regulations support decision makers, planners, architects, designers, engineers and procurement officers.
The different models of the three European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs) are explained, as well as the role of the National Standardisation Bodies (NSBs).
Access to public transport is fundamental to independent living. This Report sets out the EU legislation that deals with technical accessibility standards for vehicles and infrastructure and the Passenger Rights legislation.
The purpose of this document is to transfer knowledge in the field of accessibility in ICT.
These guidelines are a concise and easy-to-use document aiming at providing knowledge about the most relevant European Union legislation and standards on accessibility. Readers will get a better understanding of their purpose, scope, main and requirements.
The objective of these guidelines is helping to understand the importance of the participation of the representatives of persons with disabilities in standardisation, as well as providing practical information on how to make it possible.