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AccessibleEU Greece - Mainstreaming accessibility in products and services: Implementing the EU Accessibility Directive (NW-GR-01)

AccessibleEU, together with ENAT and NCPD Greece, want to bring together in this event, different stakeholders from the public and public sector to provide information about the requirements and implementation of EU Directive 2019/882.

Conference objectives:

  • To present the AccessibleEU Resource Centre and its goals
  • To provide information about the requirements and implementation of EU Directive 2019/882, which has been transposed into the Greek legislation (Greek Law 4994/2022), and to exchange views on its implementation at national level.
  • To highlight good practices
  • To introduce stakeholders to the AccessibleEU Community of Practice, to actively participate and benefit from the resources of the Centre

Details on the event:

  • Target audience: Representatives of public authorities, private sector actors, consumer organisations, professional bodies, organisations of persons with disabilities and other user groups.

  • When: Monday, November 27, 2023

  • Where: National Confederation of Disabled People of Greece (NCDP) headquarters 236 Eleftheriou Venizelou Avenue, Ilioupoli, Attica, Greece – Ground floor

  • Format: Onsite

  • Type of event: Networking

  • Language: Greek

  • Accessibility information: Captioning and sign interpretation in Greek.

  • How to participate: Free registration

  • More information

  • 24 NOVEMBER 2023
  • information technology
  • Monday 27 November 2023, 09:00 (EET)
  • Greece

Practical information

Monday 27 November 2023, 09:00 (EET)
